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Zürich Herbaria


The moss collection of the United Herbaria Z+ZT contains around 400'000 specimens. The geographical focus is on Switzerland and Europe. The United Herbaria Z+ZT also contain moss specimens from North America, the South Pacific Islands (especially New Caledonia) and South East Asia (especially Sunda Islands).

The oldest specimens were collected in the first half of the 19th century among others by J.J. Hegetschweiler, J.G. Trog, R. Brown, O. Heer, H.J. Guthnick, J.-J. Vetter, and A.F.C. von Fischer-Ooster. At the beginning of the 20th century, large collections of P.F. Culmann and J.J. Amann were added. Even today, the collections are constantly being expanded. In recent decades, numerous specimens have been collected as part of the project " Inventory of the Swiss Bryophyte Flora", which are also kept in the United Herbaria Z+ZT.

Aside from individual specimen collections, the United Herbaria Z+ZT own some bound herbaria that are of historical interest. These include e.g. the "Flora Cryptogamica" by J.J. Bremi from the 19th century and the "Cryptogamia tigurina" (1809) by J.J. Hegetschweiler.

Important collections of mosses come from:

J.J. Amann, J.H. Albrecht, H. Albrecht-Rohner, J.G. Bamberger, J.J. Bremi-Wolf, F. Brüngger, P.F. Culmann, A. Ernst, L. Fischer (ex BERN), A.F.C. von Fischer-Ooster (ex BERN), K.[C.] Forster, E. Frey-Stauffer (ex BERN), J. Frymann, M.B.F. Gugelberg von Moos, H.J. Guthnick (ex BERN), J.J. Hegetschweiler, J. Hegetschweiler, K.K. Hegetschweiler, H. Huber, H. Hürlimann, O. Jaag, M. Jäggli, R. Keller, R. Lübenau-Nestle (Belege aus der Schweiz und Doubletten), F. Ochsner-Christen (ex BERN), A. Schnyder, J.G. Trog (ex BERN), J.-J. Vetter, J. Weber

Curator of bryophytes: 

Heike Hofmann

Weiterführende Informationen

Bryum mesodon

Bryum mesodon

Drawing of a newly described Bryum species by Jules Amann (above). It is kept together with the herbarium specimen (below).