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Zürich Herbaria

Friedrich Meister Collection

Diatom collection of Friedrich Meister

Friedrich Meister's diatom collection consists of various types of objects: glass vials containing raw probes, microscopic slides, photographic plates (negatives and positives) of individual diatoms and handwritten notebooks.
The raw probes serve as the starting point for the other objects. Friedrich Meister prepared (often multiple) slides from these materials, including both slides with only one taxon and slides with multiple taxa. The notebooks document the relationships between the various objects and provide additional information, such as sampling dates or recorded taxa.

Further details on each object category are explained on the specific web pages.

Friedrich Meister published several papers based on his collection:

  • Die Kieselalgen der Schweiz (1912)
  • Beiträge zur Bacillariaceenflora Japans I (1913)
  • Beiträge zur Bacillariaceenflora Japans II (1914)
  • Zur Pflanzengeographie der schweizerischen Bacillariaceen (1919)
  • Zwei bemerkenswerte Formen aus dem fossilen Diatomaceenlager von Achalzich (1926)
  • Mission du «Pourquoi pas?» en 1929 sous le commandement du Dr J.-B. Charcot: Diatomées récoltées par R. Ph. Dollfus sur une glace flottante (1930)
  • Kieselalgen aus Asien (1932) - Seltene und neue Kieselalgen I (1935)
  • Seltene und neue Kieselalgen II (1937)

Friedrich Meister described new taxa in all publications except the one from 1930.
